Justice of the Peace Courtroom, 203 W. Dogwood, Woodville, Texas & Livestream
Monday, April 12, 2021 - 11:00 AM |
Joe Blacksher Commissioner, Pct. 1 |
Stevan Sturrock Commissioner, Pct. 2 |
Jacques L. Blanchette County Judge
Donece Gregory County Clerk |
Mike Marshall Commissioner, Pct. 3 |
Charles “Buck” Hudson Commissioner, Pct. 4
NOTICE Is hereby given that a Regular Term (Meeting) of the Tyler County Commissioners’ Court will be held on the date stated above, at which time the following subjects will be considered and/or discussed.
Livestream Information
Pursuant to the March 23, 2020 Suspension Order by Governor Abbott, this
Commissioners Court meeting will be held via teleconference and livestreamed to
protect the public, staff and members from potential exposure to the
Coronavirus (COVID-19). The public may view this meeting live at the
following Youtube location: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRw3Two1pIzZOmoO4dL8Ing/videos?view=2&flow=grid
(Current meeting will have a red LIVE icon.) Additionally, a recording of the meeting will be posted
to the Tyler County website (www.co.tyler.tx.us)
on the home page and the Public Notices Calendar page soon after the meeting.
Public Comments Information
Citizens are encouraged to speak to either their County Commissioner or the County Judge regarding matters of specific concern. Additionally, members of the public are limited to the role of observer unless they have signed up in advance to make comments. Persons who wish to make comments must notify the County Clerk’s office at 409-283-2281 no later than 1 hour prior to actual meeting time. You will be asked your name, the phone number you will be calling in from, and the topic you wish to bring before the Court. You will then be provided instructions to dial-in to this meeting to make your public comments at the designated time. Following the Court’s customary guidelines, each member shall be allowed a maximum of three (3) minutes to make his/her remarks. Discussion on any specific topic will be restricted to 30 minutes total for all speakers on that topic to comment. Time for each speaker shall be maintained by the County Clerk or such other designated representative of the Commissioners Court.
· Establish Quorum
· Acknowledge Guests
· Invocation* – J. Blacksher
· Pledge of Allegiance* - J. Blacksher
* It is the practice of this governing body to exercise an invocation and pledge of allegiance. Anyone present who is uncomfortable with this practice is invited to either mute their phone line or step outside of the Courtroom then rejoin us following the invocation and/or pledge.
Only those individuals who have notified the Court prior to the meeting will be recognized to make public comments. See the instructions included above.
The items listed within the CONSENT AGENDA are deemed to be of a routine nature and are not scheduled for individual consideration by the Commissioners Court. However, any member of the Court retains the option to remove any one or more item(s) from the CONSENT AGENDA and to have the item(s) individually considered.
A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s) (03/30/21)
B. Monthly Reports:
1. Probation – Adult; Juvenile
2. District Clerk /County Clerk
3. Extension – CEA(Ag/NR); CEA(FCS)
5. Treasurer
6. Justice of the Peace, Pct. 1
III. Resolutions/Proclamations
A. Proclamation Tyler County Child Abuse Prevention Month – S. Sturrock/Terry Allen
B. Resolution of the Board of Directors of Tyler County Special Utility District Requesting Tyler County to Submit A Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Application – M. Marshall/Lesley Waxman, Waxman Inc.
C. Resolution of the Commissioners Court Authorizing the Submission of a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Application and Authorizing the County Judge to Act as the County’s Executive Officer – M. Marshall/Lesley Waxman, Waxman, Inc.
D. Proclamation Declaring April as Fair Housing Month- J. Blanchette
E. Resolution Declaring Tyler County Supports the Second Amendment – J. Blacksher
A. Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers – J. Blanchette/J. Skinner
B. Accounts Payable/County Bills – J. Blanchette/J. Skinner
C. Lease/Purchase of 2022 Mack Truck with a Dump Bed from Bruckner’s through state pre-approved bid through First national Bank Leasing, Wichita Falls, TX for Pct. #1- J. Blacksher
D. Ordering 2 desks from TDCJ for the Driver’s License Office – C. Hudson/J. Skinner
E. Updates to the Employee Handbook – S. Sturrock/L. Monk, County Treasurer
F. Adopting an Order Authorizing the Sale of Fireworks During the Memorial Day Period (May 26th through midnight May 31st) – J. Blanchette
G. Apply for The Indigent Defense Improvement Grant Program – S. Sturrock/J. Skinner, County Auditor
H. Seek Bids for Emergency Standby Services- C. Hudson/J. Skinner, County Auditor
I. Property and Auto Renewal for 2021-2022 - S. Sturrock/J. Skinner, County Auditor
J. Investment Policy, Tyler County 2021- M. Marshall/ L. Monk, County Treasurer
K. Investment Committee Investment Plan for 2021- M. Marshall/L. Monk, County Treasurer
L. Annual 2020 Financial Report for Tyler County Emergency Service District #2 - C. Hudson
M. Placement of a sign from the Woodville Florist Shop to be located at the West end of the entrance to the Tyler county Annex/tax Office.- C. Hudson
N. Bond for Tax Collector/Assessor – C. Hudson/Lynnette Cruse Tax Collector/Assessor
O. Intergovernmental Agreement between the County and Tyler County Special Utility District – M. Marshall/L. Waxman, Waxman, Inc.
P. Renewal Contract on Sharp MX-M6071 Digital Copier – J. Blacksher/R. Crews, District Clerk
Q. Presentation from Historical Commission on Background of Courthouse Bell and Clock. – C. Hudson/ Eleanor Holderman, Historical Commission.
Held in accordance with Texas Government Codes 555.071(1)(A) (2) regarding pending and/or contemplated litigation, and/or 551.074, regarding personnel matters, and/or property acquisition.
I do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Tyler County Commissioners Court is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice in the Tyler County Courthouse at a place readily accessible to the general public at all times and that said Notice remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting, as is required by Section 551.002 & 551.041.
Executed on _______________________ 2021 Time _________
Donece Gregory, County Clerk/Ex Officio Member of Commissioners Court
By: __________________________________ (Deputy)